Pregnancy test getting lighter at 7 weeks | Mumsnet (2024)

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60 replies

RachelBx · 02/04/2020 09:04

Hi All

I’m a first time expecting Mum and i found out I was pregnant around 4 weeks. I have been using the easy@home pregnancy tests and tested for the first week everyday. It was so lovely to see how dark the lines were getting and got to a point where I thought they couldn’t get any darker so I stopped testing. I did a test last Sunday (6 weeks and 2 days) and it looked lighter. I’ve tested again this morning (6 weeks and 6 days) and it’s most definitely lighter. I’m panicking! I’ve booked myself in for a viability scan on Sunday but now I’m convinced I’ve lost the baby.

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twoheaped · 02/04/2020 09:05

I don't get it.
If you had a positive test, why on earth would you carry on testing?

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Solomon1212 · 02/04/2020 09:09

You shouodnt test at 7 weeks. Look up the hook affect. They will get lighter if the hcg is to high. Congratulations xx

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Blindingpeaky · 02/04/2020 10:51

Hi, I tested again at around 7 weeks and it was much lighter. I'm now 16 weeks pregnant.

I understand the need to keep testing, but after a certain point it's not worthwhile.

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RachelBx · 02/04/2020 11:36

That’s really reassuring, thank you. We’ve had recent miscarriages in the family and I guess I’m being over paranoid!

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peachypetite · 02/04/2020 11:39

Put the tests down!

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RachelBx · 02/04/2020 11:47

That’s what everyone keeps telling me! It was so reassuring at the beginning and was making me so happy seeing those dark lines getting darker. Now I think It’s doing more harm than good

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Cez56 · 02/10/2020 10:14

Do you have an update? Was everything OK? Going through the same thing too

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Cafeaulait27 · 02/10/2020 10:47

Ah ok, so do tests start to get lighter at 7 weeks? I was going to buy another test this weekend just for reassurance but I don’t think I will now... it’ll probably freak me out!

I’m the same as you OP, I have done about 8 tests as it was reassuring to see the line getting darker but haven’t done one for 2 weeks now. It’s my first baby so I’m really anxious about it!

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I did one a week apart they were super dark coming up straight away at 6 weeks today I'm 7 weeks and it's really light I'm going out of my mind

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bunnyontheshelf · 02/10/2020 11:39

Yes they do. I experimented with this. When I got my bfp it was right st the beginning of lockdown so I couldn't get scans or confirmations from gp. I was a pee on a stick addict. I had a pack of 30 cheap strips from amazon. At 7.5 weeks I only needed a drop of urine and the rest water for a super dark line.

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Cez56 · 02/10/2020 11:54

So just urine would make it lighter???

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bunnyontheshelf · 02/10/2020 12:13

Yes. It's when the hcg levels get so high, the test can't cope so if you water it down it can 'read' it again. It sounds bizarre but it does work if it is the case that your pregnancy is progressing

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Cez56 · 02/10/2020 12:28

I hope your right this is my 6th pregnancy and I've never heard of that before crazy. I'm going to try not to test again until my blood work comes back next week I'm so nervous

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OliviaGrace15 · 19/11/2020 13:23

Hi everyone, hopefully someone sees this, so im 7 weeks today and clear blue has gone down to 1-2 :( is this the hook effect? I only tested because ive been cramping so bad and was spotting last night, my doctors wont refer me for a scan or do blood tests! I have a private scan booked for 3 days time but im so worried! x

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Cressie2 · 19/11/2020 23:25

Bless you @OliviaGrace15

Don’t wait for 3 days, go to A and E tonight if you’re still bleeding and cramping badly. It is probably ok as some women do spot but in case it’s not, you shouldn’t wait 3 days to be seen. Keep us updated and hope you’re ok.

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OliviaGrace15 · 19/11/2020 23:37

Cressie2 I'm not sure if I'd be wasting doctors time? My cramps are like period pains and my spotting is like slightly pink tinged discharge that's only happened twice, I am worried though trying to keep strong but I have broken down a couple of times x

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MnM156 · 19/11/2020 23:53

It happened to me too when I tested again at 5 weeks. It's called hook effect. Google it and please stop testing for your peace of mind.

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Helenknowsbest · 20/11/2020 08:15

Please stop testing. They are only indicators and will drive you crazy. Congratulations all on your pregnancies x

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Jp02x · 08/05/2021 17:05

Hi OP @RachelBx please can you update? Going through the same thing currently with the same brand of tests. Driving myself crazy Pregnancy test getting lighter at 7 weeks | Mumsnet (2)

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RachelBx · 08/05/2021 20:00

Hi I now have a perfectly healthy 6 month old baby girl and another one on the way, We did end up going for an early scan at 8 weeks just to put my mind at ease. don’t stress I’m sure it’ll be fine my advice would be stop taking tests and trust the first one. xx

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Jp02x · 08/05/2021 20:49

That's so lovely, thank you for taking the time to reply! Pregnancy test getting lighter at 7 weeks | Mumsnet (3)
I have a 12 month old son but had 3 early miscarriages before him so it's so hard to stop testing but I think you're right. I'll get my partner to hide them Pregnancy test getting lighter at 7 weeks | Mumsnet (4)

Thanks again and congratulations on your new pregnancy!

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Pawaskar · 06/06/2021 11:23

@RachelBx God I’m 7 weeks going through the same thing! All your comments are reassuring

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Stixviks · 06/06/2021 12:23

I am currently 7 weeks and tested tday and my line was lighter, previous tests ive had dye stealers super strong lines, had a total meltdown:( read some posts on here and tried the test again but watered down my wee and got my strong line back
Im done testing now just waiting for my scans

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Stixviks · 06/06/2021 12:29

@Pawaskar try the test watered down i e been totally reassured tday xx

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Pregnancy test getting lighter at 7 weeks | Mumsnet (2024)


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